Highflyers Tips

Terms and Conditions

Highflyers Tips provides betting tips and recommendations to our subscribers, we are not directly involved in the betting process itself. We do not accept bets, facilitate transactions, or have any financial stake in the outcome of the races. We have no links to Bookmakers, Betting Exchanges or any other Organisations in the Horse Racing and Gambling Industries.

1. This website and any information contained within it is the absolute property and copyright of T J Bishop Consultancy (Highflyers Tips) and any use of this website by any person firm or company [the User] is deemed to be acceptance of such ownership and copyright and the acceptance by the User of these terms and conditions as set out herein.

2. The User accepts that the name Highflyers Tips and Highflyers Racing and any representation of the name Highflyers Tips or Highflyers Racing howsoever represented are the Property of Highflyers Tips and may not be reproduced in any way or otherwise used.

3. The User accepts that he she or it is not permitted to copy or otherwise duplicate or repeat any part of the site or any information contained or displayed within it by any means.

4. Highflyers Tips will provide from time to time information about future sporting events to the User [the Information] for a fee payable in advance to be agreed from time to time between Highflyers Tips and the User. Payment of such fee by the User to Highflyers Tips constitutes acceptance by the User of these terms and conditions.

5. The User warrants that he or it is not in breach of any legislation in the country in which he or it seeks to obtain or use the Information and that by obtaining the Information and/or by its use he or it is not nor will be in breach of any legislation whether by means of age limit or otherwise.

6. If the User is authorised to obtain any information from this website or by any other means as a result of the use of this website [the Information] the User agrees that such information is personal to the User and may not be transmitted to any other person firm or company by any means.

7. The Information is provided as general information and does not form advice. The User accepts that Highflyers Tips assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the Information which is merely a statement of opinion by Highflyers Tips or for any errors in or omissions from the Information or for any loss or damage to the User arising from the Information howsoever caused. The User acknowledges that the Information is directed towards sporting events where chance is a significant factor and the User accepts that there is no warranty that the User will make financial gain from using the website or the Information.

8. Highflyers Tips shall not be liable to any User in respect of loss of opportunity or otherwise in the event of Users betting accounts being closed by any person firm or company.

9. Highflyers Tips shall not be liable to any user for any errors in the Information or from any loss arising from any interruption of the service of the website or any service supplied in conjunction with the website howsoever caused or of any other system used by Highflyers Tips for the transmission of the Information. Highflyers Tips shall not be liable to the User for any loss arising to the User from any failure to update the website or any service supplied in conjunction with the website or of any other system used by Highflyers Tips for transmission of the Information.

10. Highflyers Tips shall not be liable to the User for any failure or disruption in the Paypal service or any transmission of money by Paypal to Highflyers Tips which results in the failure of the User to obtain the Information or for any loss to the User arising there from.

11. Any general information provided within the site or in any other service operated by or provided by Highflyers Tips is for information only and Highflyers Tips do not warrant the accuracy of such information and accept no liability therefore.

12. Highflyers Tips shall not be liable for any losses arising from the use by the User of any links from the website or for any losses arising from the reliance by the User on any advertising contained or referred to on the website. Highflyers Tips does not warrant the accuracy of any such advertising or information contained or referred to in such links.

13. Any calculations of results or otherwise will be performed using the available odds when the betting information is sent out to members or the Starting Price, which ever if the most favourable together with the staking plan given in the betting information.

14. Highflyers Tips may cancel the User’s membership without notice. Any future payment for the service held by Highflyers Tips will be refunded to the User forthwith. If the cancellation of membership is because these terms and conditions have been breached then no refund of future payment held by Highflyers Tips will be made.

15. If the User wishes to cancel their membership, under very exceptional circumstances refunds of purchased days or subscriptions will be considered. Refunds will be made to the account from which payment is received or by cheque. To request a refund please send an to Highflyers Tips (see Contact Us page) stating the exceptional circumstances that you think justify a refund.

16. The recorded Audio information service providing background to the betting advices is available only to those who are subscribers.

17. The User agrees to receive a daily email sent to the email address recorded on the user's account advising that the day's betting information is ready and available and occasionally emails with information on special offers.

18. Users who have days on their accounts and where none have been used over the preceeding 90 days will have those days removed and held in suspense. They will be restored on request.

19. This agreement shall be governed by English Law.

20. In these terms and conditions the singular shall include the plural and the male gender the female gender and vice versa.

Stormers !!